not able to connect to a GroupShare TM resource via Project Automation

Our code is failing to get connected to resources on the GroupShare server using FileBasedProject to build automations.  The implementation is using a language pair specific template to configure use of TMs and the SDL MT Cloud plugin.  During Analyze and Pre-Translate tasks, we are getting the following error:
"Unexpected exception when initializing task 'Analyze Files': Failed to create an instance of translation provider ' - German'.."

The same template and processing flow have been working on Studio2019 with GroupShare 2017, but are now failing when upgrading to Studio 2021.

Language pair section of the template:

    <LanguageDirection Guid="93a4b224-4c35-4246-a407-c37cbdb25024" SettingsBundleGuid="45c531d4-5d10-46fc-8564-de8b7d71255a" TargetLanguageCode="de-DE" SourceLanguageCode="en-US">
      <AutoSuggestDictionaries />
      <CascadeItem OverrideParent="true" StopSearchingWhenResultsFound="false">
        <CascadeEntryItem PerformConcordanceSearch="true" Penalty="0" PerformUpdate="true" PerformNormalSearch="true">
          <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdltm." Enabled="true" />
        <CascadeEntryItem PerformConcordanceSearch="true" Penalty="0" PerformUpdate="false" PerformNormalSearch="true">
          <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdltm." Enabled="true" />
        <CascadeEntryItem PerformConcordanceSearch="false" Penalty="0" PerformUpdate="false" PerformNormalSearch="true">
          <MainTranslationProviderItem Uri="sdlmtcloud:///" State="{"AutoSendFeedback":true,"LanguagesSupported":[{"Name":"English (United States) - German (Germany)","SourceTradosCode":"en-US","TargetTradosCode":"de-DE","SelectedSource":{"CodeName":"eng","IsLocale":false},"SelectedTarget":{"CodeName":"ger","IsLocale":false},"SelectedModel":{"DisplayName":"eng-ger Bloomberg","Model":"bloomberg","MTCloudLanguagePair":{"sourceLanguageId":"eng","targetLanguageId":"ger","model":"bloomberg","displayName":"Bloomberg","name":"engger_bloomberg","active":"yes"},"Source":"en-US","Target":"de-DE"},"SelectedDictionary":{"name":"No dictionary available","description":null,"source":null,"target":null,"dictionaryId":""},"SourceLanguages":[{"CodeName":"eng","IsLocale":false}],"TargetLanguages":[{"CodeName":"ger","IsLocale":false}]}],"ResendDraft":true,"SendFeedback":true}" Enabled="true" />

The actual server is confirmed valid and reachable from the machine running the automation.

Software versions:

  • Trados Studio:
  • GroupShare 14.2.60175.10
  • Hi  ,  I have been reviewing this issue over the last days.  The tests I have run confirm that I can access GS 2017 TM resources from a Project Automation API standalone project built and executed against Trados Studio 2021 CU12.  Automation tasks: Analysis and Pretranslate run correctly

    Without reviewing your source code project, I would recommend to check the uri & credentials that you are adding to the Project Automation API Standalone project. Ensure the uri and credentials are correct.  For example, making reference to cascade entries in your sample project above.  The uri you specify when adding the credential to access the GS tm resource should resemble: sdltm.

    Note: you only need to provide the scheme, protocol and host; should be no need to include the parameters criteria with the uri that you include with the credentials.

  • Hi  ,  I have been reviewing this issue over the last days.  The tests I have run confirm that I can access GS 2017 TM resources from a Project Automation API standalone project built and executed against Trados Studio 2021 CU12.  Automation tasks: Analysis and Pretranslate run correctly

    Without reviewing your source code project, I would recommend to check the uri & credentials that you are adding to the Project Automation API Standalone project. Ensure the uri and credentials are correct.  For example, making reference to cascade entries in your sample project above.  The uri you specify when adding the credential to access the GS tm resource should resemble: sdltm.

    Note: you only need to provide the scheme, protocol and host; should be no need to include the parameters criteria with the uri that you include with the credentials.
