Hi everyone, our company has an in-house API-based translation engine that we would like to integrate into Studio 2021. Would it be possible to modify the plug-in MT Enhanced to support calls to such a provider?
At the moment, MT Enhanced only supports calls to MS Translator and Google Translate.
Our company policy does not allow us to work external language providers. We work with highly confidential information that is not allowed to leave our systems.
Our API developer is not in a position to assess the suitability of MT Enhanced for this purpose of make the necessary modifications.
What type of IT expert(ise) would we need either to modify MT Enhanced or build our own plug-in?
Ideally, the plug-in should be able to provide
- choice of languages/lanuage directions
- responses in the Translation Results window in Studio and
- PreTranslate batch translation
Looking forward to your input and questions.