Moving a word left/right of previous/next one

I would like to code a function (macro or add-on) that allows to move a word left/right of previous/next one. I use such a macro in Word and would like to implement it in Studio.

Couyld someone help me ?



Parents Reply
  • Hi Evzen,

    In some ways I agree with you as Autohotkey is a great tool which can be as simple, or as complex as you like. However, I would like to see some simple macro tools in Studio that could simplify common things such as stringing together commands in Studio or windows commands and cursor movements. I looked at this once with one of the API developers and of course this could be done. But it isn't a simple task to build the features as part of the product as you pointed out, so the idea sits lower down our list of things to do than many other things at the moment. But I would like to see something like this.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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