Dear OpenExchange Developers
I get an out-of-memory exception while performing a batch analysis programmatically. It says:
"Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst.
Fehler bei der SDL XLIFF-Validierung: Eine Ausnahme vom Typ "System.OutOfMemoryException" wurde ausgelöst."
I'm using the very same code as has been delivered with the SDK 2.1 for project automation "C:\ProgramData\SDL\SDK 2.1\ProjectAutomation\Sdl.SDK.ProjectAutomation.Samples.BatchAnalyze".
I try to batch-analyse 22 sdlxliff files (total 129 MB). If I analyse the files manually in the generated project, I don't get the error.
If I do it with the SDK, some of the files are skipped for unknown reasons, and these files are missing in the resulting analysis. Depending on the value of reportInternalFuzzyMatchLeverage more or less files are skipped (3 or 5). And in both cases I get the error message as shown above.
I use SDL Trados Studio 2011 SP2R - 10.4.3109.2 on Windows 7 64 Bit with .NET Framework 3.5
I would be very grateful for any help on this topic.
Kind Regards
Victor Linnemann
Kind regards,
Lennert Fransen
Community Coordinator