MultiTerm 2017 connection to server fails

Trying to connect to MultiTerm Server using the example code from SDK. This works fine with MultiTerm 2014 but when I install 2017 then it fails

Set oLocalRep = oMt.LocalRepository

I updated the Reference to MultiTerm140.TMO 14.0 Type Library.

Trying in C# code it is also fails (this also works with 2014, and I also updated the References accordingly)

MultiTermApp = new MultiTermIX.Application();

I tried to reinstall MultiTerm, still no luck.


Any idea how to fix this?




Parents Reply
  • Thanks Emanuel! I downloaded the code and opened on my machine. These what I noticed:
    1. The solution is using .NET 4.7.2 (which was not mentioned in the SDK but I installed this version before I tried further)
    2. After a clean install on MultiTerm2017 the installer created a "MultiTerm14" folder (rather than 17) under C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\SDL
    3. In the sln the MultiTermIX reference version is - which marked as error when I open the solution
    4. when I add the reference from the freshly installed MultiTerm environment then the MultiTermIX version is

    The installer version I got is "SDLMultiTermDesktop2017_SR1_43908.exe"

    Is there a second SR for MultiTerm2017?