Language regions are not provided on Terminology provider


I am implementing a Terminology provider for Trados via the SDK.

Now, let's say that I am creating a project in Trados with Swiss German (deu-ch) as destination language.

When I try to search with the terminology provider I get plain German (de) as destination language.

Specifically if I try to log the Locale.NativeName in MyTerminologyProvider.Search method

public override IList<ISearchResult> Search(string text, ILanguage source, ILanguage destination, int maxResultsCount, SearchMode mode, bool targetRequired) {
  Logger.Log("NATIVE NAME: " + destination.Locale.NativeName);

I get:


And of course the ISO code and everything is simple 'de' or 'deu'

Why is this happening? Can I get the regional code instead (deu-ch)?

Thank you

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