We got a report from a user of ours about getting an exception at startup when installing a plugin we developed (https://appstore.rws.com/plugin/189/). We could unblock the user by instructing to remove the plugin directories, but I'm looking for a bit more context to understand why/when such error can occur, and what better advice we could give to users.
Attached the stack trace - found these similar references on the forums:
- community.rws.com/.../key-not-found-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-parameter-name-key-when-opening-a-file
- community.rws.com/.../community-advance-display-filter-tabs-color-and-document-structure-are-empty
All seem to relate in some way to installing plugins and part of Trados getting confused.
What I'm interested to learn:
- Is this something that our plugin's configuration could likely cause, and if so is there anything we could do differently?
- Or if this is something that could generally happen when installing a new plugin, any advice on how to prevent it ( like close all projects before plugin install or such )?
- Would this happen consistently, that is if the user would try to install the plugin again, can they expect to run into the same problem, or is it more a one-off?
Why I'm curious about this, is that it is bad user experience to be greeted with this effect after plugin install (especially that it blocks Trados startup too), so I would like to prevent as much as possible.
Thank you for your insights,