How to use the terminology recognition function of Trados to obtain recognition results by loading the .sdltb file

I am developing a trados translation plug-in based on "Sdl.Community.DeepLMTProvider", which has implemented the function of sending source text and translating through API. I saw that the terminology recognition function of trados has been realized by loading a .sdltb file and automatically identifying the terms in the original text and displaying the results, but I found that this result needs to be manually added to a certain translation text, which is troublesome for the whole file with many sentences, so I want to realize that the recognized terminology results are automatically applied to the translation results without manual confirmation. I looked at the "Sdl.Community.IATETerminologyProvider" in the open source trados plug-in in github, but I found that the way the code of this plug-in recognizes terms is not the way to load files, so I have no code to refer to. I also checked the introduction of the terminology recognition interface here at "">", but it is still difficult for me to develop. Therefore, I would like to ask if there is a direct API that can be called to obtain the recognition results of the terminology recognition function that comes with trados itself, or other codes of similar functions for me to refer to. In this way, I will replace the terminology content in the original text to form an already replaced untranslated text, then translate it and return the result, so that the translation function of the terminology can be automatically applied. If you can help, I will be very grateful!
The version of trados I use is 2022