Open multiple file with Trados Studio 2024

Hi All,

I found that in Trados Studio 2022 SR2 -, if I use the ProjectFile.OpenDocument on multiple document (in a for iteration), then Studio freeze. If I open them as a single file, then they opens properly as a merged document (also i can open then manually one by one). Do you aware of this bug? Is there a fix on the road map? Or is there any workaround?

Thank you in advance for your response.

Best regards,


  • Regarding the original question, the use-case is the following: We do some long running task, from which the user gets some response after an hour or so per document. Since it is a long running tasks, it is usually started for off-work hours, therefore the users tipically selects multiple files and starts the task before they leave the office. Next morning, when the result is ready, the user opens this task and with this task we open the selected files.

    Yeah your repduction does cover what we does. One difference that I spotted from your video is that, there are some popup when we open these files, for example the GS login dialog and the warning that studio cannot connect to termbase/TM. So these files are not unsually large, or there is no other relevant difference at first guess.

  • Regarding the original question, the use-case is the following: We do some long running task, from which the user gets some response after an hour or so per document. Since it is a long running tasks, it is usually started for off-work hours, therefore the users tipically selects multiple files and starts the task before they leave the office. Next morning, when the result is ready, the user opens this task and with this task we open the selected files.

    Yeah your repduction does cover what we does. One difference that I spotted from your video is that, there are some popup when we open these files, for example the GS login dialog and the warning that studio cannot connect to termbase/TM. So these files are not unsually large, or there is no other relevant difference at first guess.
