SDL Knowledge center 2016 Single Sign On

I am trying to set up a 2016 Knowledge center CM & CD with a single sign on option.

But after adding the relaying service in ISHSTS I am not able to login into the CD.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Ramkumar,
    It looks like the followed the correct instructions. Federated authentication is in essence an integration among two or more services. To help you identify which service we need to troubleshoot further, I need your a fiddler capture as requested already.
    Install Fiddler, make sure it's configured to capture and decry-pt HTTPS traffic. Before you start capturing, you must verify this with any https url by making sure you see the traffic and its content on Fiddler.

    Once you are ready, start a new session with Fiddler and your broweser and execute your login sequence. Make sure the browser is a clear instance meaning close all tabs/windows of the browser to make sure the session is cleared out.

    Once you stop with your error, stop fiddler capture and save the entire session. Please upload the file so I can take a look inside.
    Be warned that the capture will reveal to us your username and password and the public key's of the certificates you are using.