Can't figure out how to process all topics within a nested folder structure


The requirement I have is to process the latest released version of a certain language layer in a nested folder structure where there are many versions and each version has many language layers.

I have the following 

$metadataFilter = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Level Lng -Name DOC-LANGUAGE -FilterOperator IN -Value 'en-US' |
                             Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Level Lng -Name FSTATUS -FilterOperator Equal -Value 'Released'

$ishObjects = Get-IshFolder -FolderPath $ishFolder -FolderTypeFilter @("ISHModule") -Recurse |
Foreach-Object {
  # find the latestreleased topics for each version
  $ishVersionObjects = Get-IshFolderContent -IshFolder $PSItem -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter -VersionFilter latestreleased |
  Get-IshDocumentObj | Out-File -Append "piped_topics.txt"

This works and I have a text file of all the topics with the latest released version for the en-US layer.

However, I want to process each of these topics to capture the version number and value from other metadata.

What is the best approach to edit what I have so I can both pipe to file for logging and also interrogate the topics returned to capture specific details from them to use for other processing?

Any advice appreciated,



  • Hi Ann,

    My end-of-day below answer would probably get you going how to keep your text/csv file updated but still continue processing

    $metadataFilter = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Level Lng -Name DOC-LANGUAGE -FilterOperator IN -Value 'en' |
                                 Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Level Lng -Name FSTATUS -FilterOperator Equal -Value 'Released'
    $ishObjects = Get-IshFolder -FolderPath $ishFolder -FolderTypeFilter @("ISHModule") -Recurse |
    Foreach-Object {
      # find the latestreleased topics for each version
      $ishVersionObjects = Get-IshFolderContent -IshFolder $PSItem -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter -VersionFilter latestreleased |
      # at this point variable $ishVersionObjects contains the Latest-Released-Version with FSTATUS=Released and DOC-LANGUAGE=en-US
      # let us append these found entries to the file, in my variation I made it a CSV file, a bit more structure and nicer to process in Excel later
      $ishVersionObjects | Export-Csv -Append "piped_topics.txt"
      Foreach ($ishVersionObject in $ishVersionObjects) {
        # do something per entry found here
        Write-Host ("Found LogicalId["+$ishVersionObject.IshRef+"] Version["+$ishVersionObject.version_version_value+"] Lang["+$ishVersionObject.doclanguage+"] Author["+$ishVersionObject.fauthor+"]")

  • Hi Ann,

    My end-of-day below answer would probably get you going how to keep your text/csv file updated but still continue processing

    $metadataFilter = Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Level Lng -Name DOC-LANGUAGE -FilterOperator IN -Value 'en' |
                                 Set-IshMetadataFilterField -Level Lng -Name FSTATUS -FilterOperator Equal -Value 'Released'
    $ishObjects = Get-IshFolder -FolderPath $ishFolder -FolderTypeFilter @("ISHModule") -Recurse |
    Foreach-Object {
      # find the latestreleased topics for each version
      $ishVersionObjects = Get-IshFolderContent -IshFolder $PSItem -MetadataFilter $metadataFilter -VersionFilter latestreleased |
      # at this point variable $ishVersionObjects contains the Latest-Released-Version with FSTATUS=Released and DOC-LANGUAGE=en-US
      # let us append these found entries to the file, in my variation I made it a CSV file, a bit more structure and nicer to process in Excel later
      $ishVersionObjects | Export-Csv -Append "piped_topics.txt"
      Foreach ($ishVersionObject in $ishVersionObjects) {
        # do something per entry found here
        Write-Host ("Found LogicalId["+$ishVersionObject.IshRef+"] Version["+$ishVersionObject.version_version_value+"] Lang["+$ishVersionObject.doclanguage+"] Author["+$ishVersionObject.fauthor+"]")

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