Idea Delivered

This will be available with the XPP 9.4 version release.

Fix ability to share restores between users

Prior to upgrading to XPP 9.3, my organization relied on multiple users sharing Restores (saved strings of text) between them, as described in the User Guide, Chapter 17-7. We have multiple users constantly working on the same projects. We have 100's of saved Restores (strings ranging from single words to entire paragraphs, or templates to be completed later).

After the upgrade to 9.3, none of our users can locate any others' saved strings, since XPP now runs in a strictly Windows environment without MKXServer.

This ability to share content was a critical part of our workflow which simply no longer exists.

Please look for a way to once again allow multiple users (local or networked) to access saved content located in their respective home folders (xz_profile/ed_savebufs).

  • XPP engineering is in the process of investigating this situation through the customer support ticket, engineering issue process. Once the investigation is complete, we will provide an update not only via that process but also as a post to this community. Until then, we’re leaving this Idea status as New as we do not have an "Under Investigation" category.

  • XPP engineering is in the process of investigating this situation through the customer support ticket, engineering issue process. Once the investigation is complete, we will provide an update not only via that process but also as a post to this community. Until then, we’re leaving this Idea status as New as we do not have an "Under Investigation" category.

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