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Add segment status checks to the QA checker


Studio and the Online Editor don’t provide QA checks for segments which haven’t been validated by the user (and which are therefore in Draft, Translation Rejected or Sign-Off Rejected status). This can cause 1) issues in the target file, and/or 2) missing segments in the TM.

Ideally we should have a configurable segment status QA check that can reject a file / send it back to translation if a segment doesn’t have the status Translated, Translation Approved or Signed Off. The check should be ‘bypassable’ for content that shouldn't go into the TM. Maybe in that case, the target segment can be left empty with the status Translated.

Example use cases:

  1. With the increasing usage of NMT, there’s a higher risk for instance that raw NMT output goes back to the client without any editing, i.e. the translator hasn’t post-edited NMT segments, and even though those segments have the status Draft, the target file is generated without any errors generated during the QA check.
  2. I’ve often seen examples as well of segments which have been corrected in batch mode (via Find & Replace a term for instance), and which have not been reconfirmed afterwards. Translators often don’t realise that when doing a Find & Replace action, the status of segments goes back to Draft or Translated Rejected. When the target file is generated, the file itself will be fine, but the corrections won’t be in the TM.
  3. I recently heard that this is also a request from the RWS Services team.
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