Planned for Future Release

Contact all Translator/Reviewer roles via Conversation tab

Hi team, according to the documentation here, currently translators and reviewers will not receive an email when a new conversation is started. 

This would be a very useful feature because sometimes a project manager needs to inform all translators and reviewers at the same time about changes to the project, for example:

A user named Vera Malysheva posted on a forum or message board on 06 Jun 2024 at 10:19 with a message saying 'Hi all, I have added some screenshots for context' accompanied by a smiling face emoji.

Other use cases could be: replies to queries that affect all target languages; information about changes in the source text; etc.

  • Hi Russell,

    I don't have any timelines at this point but this is still something we plan to do in the future.

    The feature we are currently working on, related to Conversations, is the ability to mention/tag specific user(s) in a comment. The users available to tag will still be limited to the existing criteria, but this feature will become much more valuable when Conversations are available for additional roles. We expect to have the tagging feature available before the end of the year but hopefully in the next 1-2 months.



  • Hi Ian,

    Any updates on conversations supporting more roles?



  • I agree that it would be good to have such option. But then it would be good to be able to choose the group of recipients of a comment. Conversations between customer and project managers should not necessariliy be visible to linguists/translators.

  • Hi Vera,

    Thanks for raising this suggestion.

    The Project conversations feature is currently targeting the Project Manager and Customer Requester roles. We will extend this in the future - hopefully later this year - to support additional roles such as a Linguist and Customer Reviewer. I'll keep you updated on progress in here, but please also look out for updates via the other usual communication channels in Community.

