Idea Delivered

Customer Portal - export data from custom fields

We use the Export My Data function in the Customer Portal for reporting. It would be helpful if the data from custom fields could also be included in the Excel file generated.

  • Hi Ian,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Is the Attributes tab only available for Enterprise/Accelerate? I don't see any data in the Attributes tab in our file exported from Trados Team.


  • Hi Noelle,

    I'm not aware of any restrictions based on the product offering. I assume you are able to see Custom Fields as expected in the Customer Portal interface and it's only in the generated Data Export where they don't appear?

    I suggest the best course of action would be to raise a support request so this can be investigated further. If you can include the details for a couple of projects where custom fields are present but not included in the Data Export, that will help the Support team diagnose what's happening here.



  • Hi Noelle,

    I'm not aware of any restrictions based on the product offering. I assume you are able to see Custom Fields as expected in the Customer Portal interface and it's only in the generated Data Export where they don't appear?

    I suggest the best course of action would be to raise a support request so this can be investigated further. If you can include the details for a couple of projects where custom fields are present but not included in the Data Export, that will help the Support team diagnose what's happening here.


