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  • User report generation

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    A section or feature that allows us to generate data of each translator/ post-editor working on TMS. Purpose: 1. To generate monthly report of translator’s/post-editor’s and assess their productivity vs content they translate/post-edit. 2. To get...
  • Allow exchanging source files for projects that haven't been started

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be of great help, if we could exchange the source files in a project that hasn't started. It is quite time consuming and frustrating that the client has to send a new project just because they uploaded a wrong file. Canceling the wrong file and...
  • Add a "Copy Project" option for PMs in Projects tab

    • Under Community Review on
    I would like to be able to go to the Projects tab, select a project and copy it to create a new project with all the same settings. Same as in the Resouces tab we can do this for our resources.
  • Adjust information in notification mails for finalized languages in a project

    • Under Community Review on
    If there is a project with many languages, you receive a notification mail once a language is finalized, which is good and helpful. But once more languages are finalized and notification mails are sent, all languages that have been finalized up to that...
  • add option to choose languages for reference files

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    It would be helpful to have the possibility to define the languages for different reference files. Often the client wants to provide older revisions of translations for the languages they order. Then it would be more comfortable if the translators would...
  • Remove project name from dropdown list on costs tab

    • Under Community Review on
    Just recently you included the project name in the dropwdown list on the costs tab. From our point of you this is unnecessary. Since the project name is the same for any option you choose from this list, why should it be part of the information here?...
  • Make files used for Perfect Match available in the respective project for future traceability

    • Under Community Review on
    When Perfect Match is used in a project, it would be good to have the files that have been used for Perfect Match available in the project, in case it is files that don't belong to a project handled through Trados Enterprise. Otherwise it should be sufficient...
  • Add possibility to filter in finalized projects in customer portal

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    In the customer portal the list of "Projects To Download" is getting longer and longer. It would help a lot if the client could filter for e.g. open projects, finalized projects, closed projects, just as it is possible in the main tenant in the projects...
  • Add ability to see details for deleted (canceled) projects

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    In WorldServer, if a project was canceled, we could still open and see details of the project and any information logged as to why it was canceled. In TE, once a project is deleted, it is like it never existed, except if you run a report to see deleted...
  • Notification when a project is deleted

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, Currently we receive notifications of numerous project tasks and events, like getting a notification when a project deadline is updated. However we do not get a notification when a project is deleted. This would be very useful as it gives users...