Under Community Review

Possibility of using glossaries during pretranslation


we're using the pretranslation function of Passolo with some translation ad-ins and we've some glossaries as well as a MultiTerm database connected, too.

In the MultiTerm database as well as in some glossaries, forbidden terms/words are stored.

Unfortunately, during the process of pretranslation, neither the MultiTerm database nor the glossaries are used for checking against forbidden terms/words.

According to RWS support, forbidden words from MultiTerm or glossaries are used only for checking the string list and are not checked during pre-translation.

That leads to the fact, that a lot translations contain forbidden terms/words, which have to be corrected during a review process, which leads to an (unneccessary) increased workload.

In my opinion, it would be very helpful, to use MultiTerm and glossaries during the pretranslation process, too.

Thank you very much in advance for voting. ;)

Kind regards


  • Translation Memories which are used in the pre-translation process as well as terminology databases like MultiTerm or Passolo glossaries are different data sources that are created and maintained by users. Maintaining these data sources might be a time-consuming task, but it is the way to keep up the quality of the translations. In addition, translation tools like Passolo do have functions to check wrong and forbidden terminology. As far as I know, none of the RWS tools offer a feature that combines pre-translation from TMs with term check and automated term correction.

     I’m not a translator, but would think that this linguistically a quite challenging tasks. Maybe   can add some insights here.

  • Translation Memories which are used in the pre-translation process as well as terminology databases like MultiTerm or Passolo glossaries are different data sources that are created and maintained by users. Maintaining these data sources might be a time-consuming task, but it is the way to keep up the quality of the translations. In addition, translation tools like Passolo do have functions to check wrong and forbidden terminology. As far as I know, none of the RWS tools offer a feature that combines pre-translation from TMs with term check and automated term correction.

     I’m not a translator, but would think that this linguistically a quite challenging tasks. Maybe   can add some insights here.

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