Idea Delivered

This is now possible with Studio 2024. Grammarly now works out of the box with Studio thanks to the Editor modernization for accessibility and better automation..

Make it possible to link Grammarly app to Trados Studio

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  •  this may not be an issue at all anymore.  One of the biggest chunks of work we have implemented for the 2024 release is working towards accessibility of the product for users working with screen readers and braille displays.  A by product of this work is that some tools will automagically work with Trados Studio and Grammarly is one of them.  We didn't need to do an integration with Grammarly for this, we just benefitted from the significant work we have been carrying out under the hood to ensure that Trados Studio is becoming an accessible product.

    Certainly worth trying it.

  • Indeed, the Grammarly app for Windows works very nicely inside Studio. Very cool!