Not Considering
  • Niche requirement: Only relevant to a specific client, not broadly applicable.
  • Excel functionality: Already possible to manage with built-in Excel formulas.
  • Complex implementation: Would add unnecessary complexity to the software.
  • Low demand: Uncommon use case with limited appeal across other clients.

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Multilingual Excel: Option to have the length limitation accommodate number of lines and the number of characters per line

Our toughest Japanese client likes to impose length restrictions by limiting the number of lines and the number of characters per line:

Screenshot of RWS AppStore Ideas Excel file showing two rows with Japanese text, English translations, and character number limitations. Row 42 has a warning for exceeding 37 characters in one line.

Now we solve this by adding a function to the Excel file which shows the number of characters per line, but that means the check needs to be done in Excel. Would there be an option to enable such a check in the file type, for example by entering 37x2 in the Max Length column, which the app would then interpret as maximum 2 lines with maximum 37 characters each?

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