Not Considering

We will not consider implementing this change, primarily because the SDLXLIFF Converter for Microsoft Office is specifically designed to function with Microsoft Word. It is not intended for use with alternative applications such as LibreOffice, and we cannot assume responsibility for any inconsistencies or corruptions that may arise when users choose to work with these files in other tools. Users must also take responsibility for validating their workflows and ensuring they are using the appropriate tools. It is essential that they perform their own checks to verify that files remain compatible and unaltered, thereby adhering to the correct workflow and avoiding potential issues.

SDLXLIFF Converter for Microsoft Office: check for files not edited in MS Word

Hi there,

would be nice to have a check on whether a bilingual document was edited with another tool than MS Word. One linguist edited a document with LibreOffice, we update the XLIFF using the converter, and it resulted in corrupted segments. For example:


Screenshot showing a comparison of original and updated bilingual document segments with corrupted formatting after editing in LibreOffice.

After update with document edited in LibreOffice:

Screenshot displaying a repeated segment error in the updated bilingual document after editing with LibreOffice.

Seems like the structure of the sentence in the document.xml document was different than in the original file and that the tool couldn't handle it.

There is an <Application> tag in the app.xml file in the docProps folder of the document structure.

Screenshot of an XML file showing the Application tag indicating the document was edited with LibreOffice.

Also, it seems that the <noBreakHyphen> tags are not supported at all, but that is a separate discussion.


    Studio has the ability to export any SDXLIFF file (regardless of native format) into MS word using the "Export for Bilingual Review" - is that what you are referring to when you say " using the converter"

    That said, at this stage I dont think this warrants an app.

    If structure and data is not being parsed correctly from native source into SDLXLIFF into "Word vs LibreOffice"  because of an export and imported back into SDLXLIFF, then regardless of being informed the problem would still remain.
    I would first want to figure out where in the process is the data changing. It could be compatibility between Word and LibreOffice which we cant accommodate for. Alternatively if its during importing back into SDLXIFF making the updated SDLXLIFF problematic then that warrants an investigation by support/development. 

    Happy to be corrected in the event I did not fully grasp your scenario



    Studio has the ability to export any SDXLIFF file (regardless of native format) into MS word using the "Export for Bilingual Review" - is that what you are referring to when you say " using the converter"

    That said, at this stage I dont think this warrants an app.

    If structure and data is not being parsed correctly from native source into SDLXLIFF into "Word vs LibreOffice"  because of an export and imported back into SDLXLIFF, then regardless of being informed the problem would still remain.
    I would first want to figure out where in the process is the data changing. It could be compatibility between Word and LibreOffice which we cant accommodate for. Alternatively if its during importing back into SDLXIFF making the updated SDLXLIFF problematic then that warrants an investigation by support/development. 

    Happy to be corrected in the event I did not fully grasp your scenario


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