Under Community Review

Automated saving after "Verify" (F8) action

Since Verify task is performed at later stage of a translation project, it would be really helpful if this Verify (F8) would also trigger an ordinary Save operation (apart from Autosave, I mean) in the background. It would make sense to keep your translated content safe and sound, and also would add some clarity in contexts where you are working in several projects at the same time and you need to go back and forth across them.

Running a Verify (F8) implies text being "almost final", so saving it properly seems logical.

Does it seem smart enough? Slight smile

  • I would not like this change. Unlike you, I perform verifies quite often during my translations and would hate to be forced to wait for Studio to perform an automatic save every single time I do a verify, especially when I probably just saved the file manually myself.

    When I translate large files, I am already gritting my teeth every time Studio does an autosave (essentially interrupting whatever else I am doing).

    And Studio 2019 already does an automatic file save before every batch command, like "Translation Count" and "Analysis", even though I have generally already saved my file manually before I decide to do an analysis.

    So if I am translating a large file, I now typically avoid the automatic saves by leaving Editor view and performing translation counts and analyses in File view.

    This is not possible when you do a verify. They have to be done in Editor view in order to be able to find the problem segments.

    So I would be forced to wait for large files to be automatically saved every time I performed a verify, regardless of whether I have just performed a manual save.

    It would probably drive me crazy.

  • A highly hIghly commendable suggestion: I support its implementation.