Under Community Review

Bilingual Excel Files with more than one column

Currently, SDL Trados has the great feature of translating bilingual excel files. So, you can only translate one-column excel file. But when there are more than one column you need to translate, there is no option to specify those columns. As you can see in the picture below, you can only type one column in Source column and Translation column. It would be great to have the ability to specify multiple columns with "," (e.g. C, D, E).

Screenshot of Trados Studio Ideas showing the Columns section with fields for Source column and Translation column, both allowing only single column input.

  • Not only that: If you have a multilingual Excel sheet with more than one target language, it would be beneficial to be able to specify which column represents which target language, so that you don’t have to change the file typesettings manually before adding the same file for every target language.

  • Not only that: If you have a multilingual Excel sheet with more than one target language, it would be beneficial to be able to specify which column represents which target language, so that you don’t have to change the file typesettings manually before adding the same file for every target language.

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