Under Community Review

Check for activity prior to auto-saving

In general, auto-save is fast and unobtrusive. For larger projects (I'm currently working on a file with 110,000 segments) however, the process can take a minute or longer. This is made even more frustrating when autosave starts when I'm three letters in to typing a word.

Having the autosave function start checking at the set interval and then waiting for a keyboard pause of even 5-10 seconds before beginning would at least keep it from interrupting while the words are flowing.

  • I agree that on large projects, this can be very intrusive. For this reason, I turn autosave off and hit Ctrl+S almost as a reflex action whenever I pause for any reason.

    As a workaround, a keyboard pause as suggested would be a good idea.

    However, the gold standard of autosaving is, in my opinion, how it is done in MemoQ, which is totally unobtrusive and requires no intervention whatsoever. Perhaps the developers could look at this and see whether it would be feasible to implement such a solution in Studio.

    "You do not have to save the document: memoQ will automatically save every change, even in segments that were not confirmed."

  • I agree that on large projects, this can be very intrusive. For this reason, I turn autosave off and hit Ctrl+S almost as a reflex action whenever I pause for any reason.

    As a workaround, a keyboard pause as suggested would be a good idea.

    However, the gold standard of autosaving is, in my opinion, how it is done in MemoQ, which is totally unobtrusive and requires no intervention whatsoever. Perhaps the developers could look at this and see whether it would be feasible to implement such a solution in Studio.

    "You do not have to save the document: memoQ will automatically save every change, even in segments that were not confirmed."

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