Under Community Review

custom filter bar

create a new custom filter bar for easy access and predefined filters

Screenshot of SDL Trados Studio - Project 1 with a custom filter bar labeled 'Simple Filter' at the top. The filter bar includes a search field with 'Target' selected and the word 'info' entered. Below are segments of text in a side-by-side view of Source and Target translations, with highlighted search results for 'info'. No visible errors or warnings.

  • QA filter, all QA segments are to be viewed in the Editor's view

    1- when the cursor is at Active segments, all errors appear in the Messages window, spellings, terms, punctuations, spaces, tags, etc,

    2- assign a button to correct Errors, and warnings, Automatically using AI (Claude sonnet 3.5, gpt4o, etc)

  • QA filter, all QA segments are to be viewed in the Editor's view

    1- when the cursor is at Active segments, all errors appear in the Messages window, spellings, terms, punctuations, spaces, tags, etc,

    2- assign a button to correct Errors, and warnings, Automatically using AI (Claude sonnet 3.5, gpt4o, etc)

No Data