Under Community Review

EDITOR — Display two (or more) project windows at the same time

Most of the time, I work on projects with multiple languages.

I therefore very often need to compare the files in the Editor and the way specific segments have been translated in different languages.

It is however, until today, impossible to display two (or more) Editor windows at the same time.

You must switch between the tabs using the mouse because there is not even a keyboard shortcut for that.

I know that there is a “workaround” since you can still open two instances of Trados Studio at the same time.

This “workaround” is however not satisfactory because it takes so much space on the screen.

I just can’t understand how it still can be — in 2023 — that an application would not allow the display of multiple windows at the same time.

In that respect, Trados still seems to be stuck in the Windows world of the 1990’s — or even the 1980’s!


It should be standard as it is in every other applications I know.