Under Community Review

Filter cloud projects in Studio based on assignment info or custom field

Project Managers working with Trados Team can see each other’s projects since everything is centralized, which is good. Since Studio 2021, cloud projects also automatically appear in Trados Studio. The problem is that the cloud project list in Studio cannot yet be filtered based on assignment information (i.e. see only the projects containing tasks the user has been assigned to), or based on a custom field (i.e. like in the web UI where you can filter projects based on a custom field in the projects view).

The lack of such a filter in Studio means that the list with cloud projects in Studio can quickly become quite long…

  • Hi everyone, we have added an enhancement in both Studio 2022 (latest CU) and Studio 2024 where Studio will only show cloud projects with tasks assigned to the current user (i.e. the assignment info is now implemented). This should reduce the list considerably. Having said that, if you are in the project manager role, you will still see all projects so that you can easily check them in Studio. So for project managers, the list can probably still long but this might be good so that you have flexibility to check projects as required. What would be your feedback on this? Thanks! 

  • Hello team. This feature would be really useful. Are there plans to include it in a future release?

  • I think something like this would really help my team out too.