Under Community Review

Improve Find&Replace to retain segment number

It's time to drop this ancient method of how Studio presently handles find&replace - a function every translator uses CONSTANTLY, especially when working with machine translations. Studio should not throw us to a random segment after finding and replacing, and "finding" first shouldn't even have to be necessary for "replacing". Because why would it?

In MemoQ this simple action is accomplished by a few handy shortcuts, the active segment is retained in place (obviously...), and the software even memorizes the substitutions made, which is really great and a significant time-saver.

  • I would also like to see this functionality out of the box, so I've voted this idea up. In the meantime, I've taken care of both those needs with AutoHotkey scripts, which you can find in the AutoHotkey forum here, if you're interested in getting the functionality right away.

  • I would also like to see this functionality out of the box, so I've voted this idea up. In the meantime, I've taken care of both those needs with AutoHotkey scripts, which you can find in the AutoHotkey forum here, if you're interested in getting the functionality right away.
