Under Community Review

Include Locked Segments in the Progress count


When translating files with locked segments you currently need to check manually if some segments to be translated have been forgotten as you will never reach a 100%-level in the Progress display, either in the file view nor in the status bar information.

When working on projects including locked segments, the completion rates will never reach 100%. This might not be a problem when projects are smalls as you might remember which issues you had und needed xxxx checks. But when having to process multiple and/or (very) large files, you might have translated everything translatable with not one rate at 100% completion.

The problem comes when the translation of a file needs to be chunked - i.e. wating for client’s answer for clarification, waiting for changes in documents, etc. - As none of the files will appaear completed and you can’t be sure the completion rate is due to locked or to untranslated segments or unconfirmed segments,

To make sure no segment as been missed, the translator must navigate through all of them and manually check the actual progression by combining filters in 2 or 3 different steps.

This is not only more work, and less productivity, but this is also something that could be avoided.


Editor View

  1. Add a category “Locked segments” in the status bar to the already existing “Not translated/Draft/Translated” with the same units and display values, and integrate the value to the total count.
  2. Add an option to the display settings for including “Locked segments” to the status bar or not

File View:

  1. Add an option to choose to Include or exclude locked segments in the progress displayed

Expected Outcome:

This improvement will allow to see the “real” completion rate at a glance without having to perform any manual actions like filtering,

A more user-friendly interface and a gain in productivity.

  • Dear SDL product management team,

    any update on this idea?

    Among other  problems created by the "not considering of locked segments" in the counting, I forgot to mention this one in my initial idea description:

    when a file has locked segments, it appears in the Files list as "in Translation", even if you have translated and confirmed ALL unlocked segments AND even if you have finalized the files.

    Please imagine what it means for a translator or a project manager when a project with dozens of files containing locked segments requires partiel delivery. Shouldn't we better concentrate on linguistic aspects of the translation?

    And everyone is talking about AI: where's the intelligence there?

    Thanks for getting this fixed soon.

    Best regards,


  • The developers must include a "locked segments" category. I endorse this plea

  • Adding such a feature to help us view the actual completion rate of the files would definitely be a big improvement.

  • This is also an important feature for me. I often work on mixed language source documents and lock the segments that are already in my target language and that don’t need to be translated. At the moment, there is no way to exclude these segments from the progress bar to see how much work I actually have left to do.

  • We usually have this problem with projects counting a big amount of small files (over 1000 sometimes).

    Usually you would sort files in the file view by progress and open just the not completed ones, but when there are several locked segments in the file we can't do that.

    Often you're not allowed to touch locked segments status.

    WIP report is nice, but not as useful as the requested feature in everyday work.