Under Community Review

Please enable Trados to translate the names of files and folders

Currently, Trados can only translate the content within files, but it cannot automatically extract and convert the names of various files loaded into Trados translation projects—such as Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, sdlxiff formats—as well as the names of folders and multi-level folders loaded into the project, into sdlxliff files. Consequently, in the final translated documents, the file names do not change to the target language.


In practical translation work, if only the content of the documents is translated into the target language while all the file names remain in the source language, then users of the target language will still not be able to understand the source language on the file names.


Please enable Trados to translate the names of all files and all folders loaded into Trados translation projects.

Screenshot showing a list of folder names with red arrows pointing to a note saying 'translate the names of all the folders'. Folder names are in a mix of English and transliterated Chinese.

Screenshot displaying a list of file names with various file type icons and red arrows pointing to a note saying 'translate the names of all the files'. File names are in a mix of English and transliterated Chinese.


    Whilst we can't manage the translation of the folders, there is an app that will support adding language codes to the end of the filenames.


    Might be helpful for you.

  • Dear Mr. Paul. 

    Thank you for your reply. 

    However, the actual translation need is not to add code to the filename but to translate the filename. 

    For example, in the English to Chinese translation project, the translator added one microsoft word document named: " engine principle description"; during the translation process with trados studio, the filename" engine principle description" should also be translated into Chinese"发送机主要描述“。Besides, after the translator generated the target translation, the filename should be totally replaced by the target language and should  only show the target language , i.e.  Chinese"发送机主要描述“. 

  • Dear Mr. Paul. 

    Thank you for your reply. 

    However, the actual translation need is not to add code to the filename but to translate the filename. 

    For example, in the English to Chinese translation project, the translator added one microsoft word document named: " engine principle description"; during the translation process with trados studio, the filename" engine principle description" should also be translated into Chinese"发送机主要描述“。Besides, after the translator generated the target translation, the filename should be totally replaced by the target language and should  only show the target language , i.e.  Chinese"发送机主要描述“. 


    ok - understood.  This does seem like a bit of a one off unless someone can tell me otherwise?  Renaming to add language codes is quite common, but changing the names of all the files and folders completely is not since this would normally mean making changes in another application that uses the folder structure.  A bit of a recipe for errors and an ongoing maintenance cost.

    Perhaps the easiest way to manage this is through a PowerShell script which is probably fairly trivial to create and use?  Just suggesting this as I can't see this request getting much of a priority unless it's something everyone wants and I've been blissfully unaware of the need... which is definitely possible!!  Daniel can probably confirm if he's seen the need before.


    You are right, usually this is just a change in the language code. And for this there are simple means available, like my Multi Commander (or other Norton Commander clones), so this wouldn't be necessary. However, this said, I have one customer for whom we also need to translate the file names. So this option would come handy for me.


    ok - I must admit I'm surprised to even hear one other person who needs this.  Perhaps there is a usecase for it after all!  In the meantime I had a quick play over lunch and have attached two powershell scripts in the zip:
    Renaming Folders and files.zip

    Use them like this:

    Maybe useful while you collect the votes :-)


    Thanks, Paul, as helpful as always. The community wouldn't be as good as it is without you.

  • Dear Mr. Paul,

    Thank you for your help. You are very professional. 

    However, there is one thing that we feel sorry to mention. the decision to develop or add features to Trados Studio should not be based on the number of votes from the Trados community alone.

    I have found that only part of translators use or rely on Trados for their work. Moreover, among the approximately 50,000 translation companies in China, only a small portion uses Trados. Additionally, I checked a 2023 report on the American translation market, which indicated that memoQ is the most used translation software in the current U.S. translation market.

    There are many reasons for this, including users' dissatisfaction with Trados due to frequent errors, slow feature updates, user-unfriendliness, and the availability of other more convenient alternative computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools in the market.

    Furthermore, for large translation projects requiring collaboration among several or many translators and the use of real-time shared translation memory and termbases, although Trados offers GroupShare, its high pricing deters many translation companies from investing in it. For instance, in the Chinese translation market, translators prefer memoQ's online translation cooperatioin over Trados's online translation. Additionally, some online collaborative translation platforms in China are developing rapidly, costing less than one percent of Trados GroupShare but still offering good functionality and free technical support from real-time online engineers for quick problem resolution during translation processes. Therefore, in the translation market, for many large projects requiring collaboration among many translators, translation workers are opting for other collaborative translation CAT tools, already excluding Trados Studio from their choices.

    Also, even if some users choose Trados Studio, they may not be willing to spend time writing about issues or making suggestions in the Trados community if they encounter problems with Trados or make recommendations.

    Therefore, the number of votes in the Trados community cannot accurately represent the actual work needs of the broader translation market. Decisions regarding the usefulness of a translation feature should not be made based solely on these limited votes.

    There are many valuable suggestions in the Trados community. We hope that software developers will participate in translation practices and consider actual translation needs to further improve Trados studio, rather than merely focusing on these unrepresentative vote numbers.

    Best regards
