Under Community Review

Please use chatgpt to make trados studio more efficient and intelligent.

Please use chatgpt to make trados studio more efficient and intelligent.

1, Chatgpt can provide good translation quality much better than the current machine translation such as “language weaver” or “google”, but the current translation model for chatgpt in trados studio is still based on sentence-by-sentence model.

Could you let chatgpt to view and translation the whole and complete source text first, which can produce much better and nature translation result, and then automatically divide to target language sentence by sentence to fill in the right segments of trados studio?


2, The current align douments function of trados studio is complex and ineffecient. Chatgpt can understand both source language and target language. Could you use chatgpt to do the alignment for trados studio, which should be much more efficient and save a lot of time for the translator to adjust.


3, Sometimes, the translation memory does not include tags and various format including font, font style, font size, font color, various symbols, whether it is bold, whether the font is italicized, text highlighting etc. The translation memory is pure text. After pre-translate with this kind of translation memory with pure text, there will be a lot of work to add and adjust all the tags and various format in the target language segments.

Could you let chatgpt to do this boring and time-cosuming work for translators, since chatgpt can understand all the words and phrases from both source language and target language and chatgpt can add right tags or format in the right place.  

4, Could you make chatgpt to extract terms from sdlxliff document in trados studio? Beside during pre-translation process with machine translatioin or chatgpt, could you let chatgpt batch replace all the terms with correct formin the targer language segements? chatgpt can automatically use the right grammatic form for every terms in the target language.  

  • Thank you. but I can not find the "AI assistant" in the  RWS appstore. Could you let me know how to find the app?

    RWS AppStore webpage showing 1 resource available for 'AI Assistant' search query. A listing for 'PDF Assistant for Trados' is displayed with a 'Free' tag.


    I would not trust this enough to run as a batch process, but it seems to be working fine here:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio Ideas with a focus on a segment comparison between source and target texts. Source text includes HTML tags and a product ID 'F711'. Target text in German is highlighted with a red box indicating a translation suggestion.

    Whether this works for your languages I don't know, of course. My prompt text is: “Do not change the text of the translation. Insert tags at the appropriate positions. Keep spaces between words.” I am using GPT 4 for this.

    EDIT: In order for this to work, the terminology-aware option has to be turned off.


    Concerning #1: I think I understand what you mean. It's the same in German, you may have a reference to a previous segment that can only be translated correctly in the context of that previous segment. I support this idea, but I would parcel it out as a separate idea for people to vote on.

    Concerning #3: As in my post below, in most cases MT does all the tag insertion correctly. Using the AI Assistant plugin you can instruct Studio to insert tags, but there is a caution that it does not yet know how to leave the target text untouched. I hope this will come. Upgrading of the current auto-tagger function with AI would be a good idea to post individually. Using the AI Assistant I found that it does not necessarily understand where additional spaces need to be between words etc. Your use-case is insertion from TMs with different, complex styling. I will have an eye on this and see how well my prompt works.

    Concerning #4: might be a problem that is not prevalent in my language pair(s). Words entered into MT glossaries are correctly inflected when applied – actually more so than the terminology correction function of the AI Assistant. Obviously, German and English are related languages, which might make things easier.