Idea Delivered Partially

Delivered at least partially through the following flow:

- Import tab-delimited file using the matching bilingual Studio file type ("Tab-delimited files")

- Save the file as SDLXLIFF


This should work for simple tab-delimited files where you just have source and target language segments separated by tabs.

Tab delimited as a file type to be imported in SDLTM

This should be very simple to achieve I believe. Please allow us to import Tab-delimited files in the TM import dialogue, to avoid having to go to Glossary converter to convert it to TMX first.


Sameh Ragab

  • What is a tab delimited file? Is there a set format for the possible fields and type of fields that can be used by a TM? I don't believe this is simple to achieve without replicating the sort of conversion process the Glossary Converter goes through.  I also don't think it's worth taking development resource to do this which is rather a niche and not often used requirement.  Might be an interesting 3rd party application, but then we already have the Glossary converter.

    You can also use Excel to do this fairly easily and just concatenate the values to make up the required values in a TMX.  Then import the TMX.