Under Community Review

When creating a project, being able to select only files of a given file type, event when there are subfolders

It would be useful to be able to create a project containing only a given file type.

The current options are somewhat limited.

  • With the “Add Files” option you cannot add subfolders, only files.
  • With the “Add Existing Folder” option you can only add whole folders, without being able to restrict their content.


500 HTML/HHC/HHP files, mixed, but in different folder levels. Would be nice to be able to select only HHC, or only HHP, or only HTML files, taking into account the subfolders.

  • Hi Daniel,
    I tried that, but the files are added without the subfolder structure... even when I activate this very interesting-looking feature ("Include subfulders"). The results are still generated as a "flat" structure, unfortunately.
    (And considered in the project as a flat structure, too, creating additional problems, because of files having the same file name (but located in different folders...)).

    Screenshot of Trados Studio 'Create a New Project' window with 'Include subfolders' option checked. The 'Project Files' list shows a flat structure without subfolders, all files are directly under 'Project 1'.

  • You can use the solution provided or simply add everything into Studio, then show all files regardless the folder structure, sort them by file type and remove what is not needed. I understand, that this will take a little bit more time, but this would save Studio from having another added function with possible new bugs.

  • I think you can do that by using Windows Explorer and the search feature there:

    - Open Windows Explorer
    - Do a search for e.g. HHC files, including all subfolders
    - Drag and Drop the results into the Studio wizard in the files area of the new project wizard
    - The files should be added with subfolder structure

    I remember requiring this also and this has been working nicely for me in all Studio versions.