It would be useful to be able to create a project containing only a given file type.
The current options are somewhat limited.
With the “Add Files” option you cannot add subfolders, only files.
With the “Add Existing Folder” option you can only…
could you add a feature to give a file a tag in Files overview as to which field it belongs (e.g. medical, legal, aso.) and show that tag in files overview? (maybe by adding a column to the file list)
And this tag (file information) should also…
Whenever I choose a different project template, the question
"This change will overwrite all of the settings you have defined. Are you sure you want to continue?",
and I have to click on "Yes" in order to proceed. I can understand asking this the…
My situation may be on the extreme ends of what people are doing with Trados, but the documentation set for the products I translate is huge.11K+ files.
This way too many files to be able to create a single project for. Instead - I've tried and…
When creating a new project, there are way too many clicks necessary for accessing and editing the “Update” field at the Step 3 window (Translation Resources).
Even when using the one under “All Language Pairs”, it requires unwelcome additional clicks…
Creating a new project in 2019 Trados Studio Professional using a mixed-language source file
IDEA: When the source file has more than one language (e.g. FR-CA and EN-CA), the Source Language field should have a "Mixed Language Source File" option that…
We have noticed that when we use a specific template to set up a new project in Studio 2019, and we remove a target language, the TM for that language that was set in the template is automatically disconnected. Our customer service reps must then remember…
Dear SDL Community,
When creating a project from scratch (i.e. not based on a previous project or a custom project template) with a large amount of language pairs, it is quite cumbersome to add translation providers for specific language pairs. Four…