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tag a file as of field (eg. medical) and retrieve that tag from translation results management


could you add a feature to give a file a tag in Files overview as to which field it belongs (e.g. medical, legal, aso.) and show that tag in files overview? (maybe by adding a column to the file list)

And this tag (file information) should also be sent along the translation query against TMs and TPs.

We developed a tool similar to Term injector but with way more functionalities which also works with Machine translation output and the rules can be tagged by field in order to filter them when applying them. So a rule that has tag medical should not be run on a file with tag technical.


German: virus > das Virus (medical), but der Virus (IT)

Besides this use case, this could also be used for project management in order to send legal parts of a job to those translators who offer legal translations and the medical translator gets the medical files. The tagging should thus be visible at project package creation and in the file overview too.

best regards,


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