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Making the “Update” TM field DIRECTLY accessible in the project creation window

When creating a new project, there are way too many clicks necessary for accessing and editing the “Update” field at the Step 3 window (Translation Resources).

Even when using the one under “All Language Pairs”, it requires unwelcome additional clicks, but it's been worse lately, since I have to use the one under the [Source language]->[Target Language] to make the TM update work properly.

Ideally, both “Update” sub-windows should be directly accessible as soon as Step 3 appears.

For now, I first have to click on three different places before I can even see the TM update fields (plus additional clicks to edit them):

A. Step 3 initial view:

 Initial view of Step 3 in Trados Studio Ideas showing Translation Resources tab with an arrow pointing to 'Update' under 'All Language Pairs' labeled 'NOT the right one'.

B. First click required:
Screenshot after first click, expanding 'English (Canada) -> French (Canada)' under Translation Memory and Automated Translation.

C. Second click required:
Image after second click showing expanded 'Update' option under 'English (Canada) -> French (Canada)' Translation Memory and Automated Translation.

D. Third click required:
View after third click displaying the Translation Memory update fields with 'ID and Request No.', 'Description', and 'Client' fields visible.

Then, to edit the “ID and Request No.” field, not only do I need to click the “Value box” on the left, but I still need to double-click it for editing it:

E. Fourth click required:
Fourth click on 'ID and Request No.' field value box, ready for editing with 'ABCD 1234' as an example entry.

F. Fifth+sixth clicks (double-click) required:
 Final screenshot after a double-click, showing the cursor inside the 'ID and Request No.' field indicating the field is ready for update.

So, in short, updating the “ID and Request No.”, “Description” and “Client” fields for TM update should be DIRECTLY available with no extra click to make the project creation process more effective.

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