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  • Source = Target

    Former Member
    Former Member
    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    I would like to propose a display filter for Studio in which source = target. In most cases, these have been created inadvertently and therefore it would be great if you could plainly see if there are any such segments in a file. Sometimes we receive...
  • Store comments in the translation memory

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently only the SDLXLIFF files can store the comments, but it will be useful if each record of the translation memory can store the comments. Use case: When revising a document, the trados projects will be different. In the project for the original...
  • More flexible XLIFF parser behavior - option to ignore target entries

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Problem and use case: We have clients hosting websites using WordPress with our SDL connectors solution providing WPML to TMS integration. We love this integration with WordPress at large, but we struggle with localization unfriendly XLIFF files from...
  • Pasting different lines of texts in multiple rows, at once, in the TARGET column

    • Under Community Review on
    Pasting different lines of texts in multiple rows, at once, in the TARGET column WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT This is important because can save hours of time when delivering a translation with close deadlines. This feature is very useful when translating...
  • Enable setting deadlines at the individual file level

    • Under Community Review on
    Clients often send packages with multiple files, each with a different deadline. Currently, we can only set deadlines at the project level. It would be very useful to be able to enter deadlines at the file level as well.
  • Preview pane should retain zoom level when editing/confirming a segment

    • Under Community Review on
    During the review stage, I like to have the Preview pane open, and taking up half of my Trados Studio UI. I then usually increase the font size of the preview a bit and start proofreading. Sometimes, it is necessary to click into a segment to make some...
  • One TM used for both language directions

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    I don't know how difficult it is to implement, but since it has been possible in Deja Vu for many years, as well as in MemoQ, I think it would be good to finally make a TM usable in both language directions. This of course would apply to secondary TMs...
  • Ad multiple TMs to TM view without opening them

    • Under Community Review on
    When I open multiple TMs in Studio's TM view they will all automatically open for maintenance, which takes a long time. Usually when I open multiple TMs I want to perform other tasks on them (like upgrade, re-index etc) which do not require the segment...
  • Report View (Analysis) Improvements

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I think there are a lot of ways the reports view could be improved. Here are a few things: 1. You should be able to copy text in the reports view 2. I would like to be able to customize what is shown. For example, if I do not use AdaptiveMT, I do not...
  • Term recognition - is there any chance of re-engineering?

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi! The term recognition window - I think one of the most used in Studio - seems not having evolved since years. While the Termbase view has been developed further, the Term Recognition window has been struggling with the old diseases. Neither the display...