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  • Make hyperlinks clickable in the editor

    • Under Community Review on
    I would like to have hyperlinks - be it those in an ADR segment or embedded in a tag - clickable, ie. so they open in my browser. Preferably like we're used to in MS Office (Ctrl+Click to follow link)
  • Trados File Type Settings -> HTML -> Comments

    • Under Community Review on
    Would it be possible to parse HTML comments, e.g. "<!-- some comment -->" to the Trados Studio -> Editor -> Comments view? Thanks in advance, Samuel
  • Improved display of Fragment Matches

    • Under Community Review on
    The Fragment Matches window in my Studio occupies 1/3 of the screen (vertically), but there is too much unused space between the SL and TL columns. In consequence, I'm presented an oddly thin and loooooong column with just one, sometimes two words (if...
  • Enable regular expressions for TM Filter conditions

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear SDL Community, With the release of Trados Studio 2019 came the ability to use regular expressions in the TM Filter: However, it is not possible to use regEx in the conditions for the filter. If for example I would like to export only the...
  • Select terminology recognition hit when clicking in source in Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    Problem: When you have a big segment and use MultiTerm, it can be, that the MultiTerm window shows a long list of terms. So left in source you see, that there is a word present in MultiTerm because above the word you see the red line. But often you want...
  • Option to change default termbase saving location (from within project creation dialogue in Trados Studio)

    • Duplicate on
    When I create a termbase from within the project creation dialogue in Trados Studio 2022, it always get put here: D:\Documents\Studio 2022\Termbases I don't want that, I want it to go somewhere else. It would be great to be able to change the default...
  • Rectify server TM disconnect issue

    • Under Community Review on
    • 0 Comments As confirmed by SDL, this problem is likely to persist for a longer period of time. I call upon SDL's managers...
  • Allow Edit Email Template of Submit Project Package and Return Package in Trados Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    Feel great if Trados Studio can allow add-in/modified into email's template/content when export email project package/return package. Below is the sample of sending out the project package, is will be great if can modified and add in more detailed...
  • QA Checker enhancement

    • Under Community Review on
    If there are the following features, it would be very nice. QA Checker should recognize non-formatting tags. Details window does not highlight the problem texts that a translator to re-validate for the fix. Both Source and Target text should be...
  • A clearly visible button to switch from translation to review account

    • Under Community Review on
    Especially freelancers need to change from account quite often. As far as I know, they can do so by going to File > Setup > Servers, or by clicking on their name in the bottom left corner (which is only visible in a few views, not all of them). Wouldn...