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  • studio missing table close when deal with .md files

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    hi the developers, When use studio 2019 or 2021 to deal with .md files, it always missing the close part of the table in it. Can you anybody check this and give a fix in next?
  • Option fields instead of checkboxes for non-multiple values fields in TM

    • Under Community Review on
    When a field in the Translation Mempry does not allow multiple values, it would be good if it displayed as option field (round) and not as checkbox (square), so the user knows immediately that it it this kind of field.
  • Studio Options: default use other TM for this language pair

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, I would like to be able to set default settings under Trados options that for my projects TMs are always set per language (and not for all languages). Therefore it would be useful to be able to set default TMs per language within the options of...
  • Is there any command check add-in for Studio?

    • Under Community Review on
    I wonder why Studio does not have any command check function or add-in. Checking commands between source and target seems mandatory for me.
  • ModernMT plugin or better yet, a generic plugin that supports REST APIs

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Hi there, Is there any chance for a plug-in that supports ModernMT. ? Right now, there are some NMT solutions that ship with REST server, so it would be great if there is a plug-in that can fetch get requests from...
  • Loading Language Resources settings into already existing TM

    • Under Community Review on
    Whithin our company, we work with language resource files that are adjusted to our documents. Therefore, these language resourece files differ from the default language resource provided by SDL. In the case that a setting within this language file is...
  • the category field column should not be too wide

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    The category field column is much wider in 2019 than in 2014, resulting in much less space for the unit Source and Target translations. One often needs to scroll down to be able to read the existing target unit. I do not know of a way to set this column...
  • What about having a simpler, cheaper, default SDL Trados Studio version?

    • Under Community Review on
    Why not eliminating many very rarely used options: 1) (a real headache in just making a choice of which color using for background, comments, tags etc.: LemonChiffon, or NavajoWhite, or maybe PapayaWhip???) 2) A very large list of Keyboard Shortcuts...
  • Filtering variables based on its name

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi there, we've got a project for which we need to somehow distinguish two different variable names. Either to show the variable name somewhere in the tags or making the Document Structure Information column wider so the translator can instantly see...
  • extend MT access for AutoSuggest

    • Under Community Review on
    When MT is pre-applied to a job by an LSP, and the job is outsourced, freelancers cannot receive AutoSuggest matches from the same MT engine, as there is no link to that engine as default part of the job. The LSP can only provide this opportunity by giving...