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  • Highlighting in bilingual review

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, it would be very helpful if highlighting (e.g., yellow textmarker) used in a bilingual review document was automatically transferred into the XLIFF file upon import. Regards, Birgit
  • own "TM" for review

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi, when reviewing files you have strings that are fuzzies but when you set a string to confirmed review this is only propagated to strings with exaclty the same wording (100% matches). If you would add another "TM", in fact rather a RM (review memory...
  • Language Resource Template - include default language setting as in srx

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello Studio developers: For clients working in multiple languages, it would be handy to have: Option to use 'default' language settings in the Language Resource Template as in SRX previously, or Introduce a quick and easy copy rules to all applicable...
  • Provide filter for multilanguage XML

    • Planned for Future Release on
    Please provide a filter for multilanguge XML (such as Qt *.ts).
  • TMS and TAUS DQF integration

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, Would it be possible to fully automate the integration of TAUS DQF service into TMS and SDL Trados Studio? So that entire TAUS project setup/options can be configured in TMS... resulting in transparent SDL Trados Studio session for translators...
  • Possibility to creat a shortening for long words.

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    I have been using Trados for many years. My first works in Trados are from 2004. When I worked with Trados 2007, I often used the function where you could save words under an abbreviation. The word then appeared when an F key was pressed. You removed...
  • Find the way to connect IBM Watson language translation into Trados Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    IBM Watson is growing and evolving so fast, that it is impossible to ignore it. In one year the quality of the translations of Watson Language services is skyrocketing. But I have no idea how to connect through an API both potential partners. And the...
  • Uploading SDLTB files to SDL Trados Live

    • Planned for Future Release on
    Reported Release: This idea regards SDL Trados Live (launched with SDL Trados Studio 2021). Idea Details: At present on SDL Trados Live it is only possible to create an empty termbase and then upload i.e. import .xml...
  • Optimize autopropagation in Trados Studio + Live Team combination

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, autopropagation in Trados Studio with Language Cloud enabled takes a long time - up to several minutes to propagate 20 segments on a 7000 segment file with a 10 mbps connection (somewhat faster on a faster connection) but still too long considering...