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  • Perform MT look-up on demand only (for the active segment)

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    At the moment, MT can be implemented in three ways: pretranslate a whole file; display in the Translation Results window; automatically apply in the active segment after look-up. However, a fourth option is needed: perform MT look-up on demand for the...
  • Adding files to a project no longer switches to Source files view

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi there, When adding further files to an existing project I realized that Studio switches to the source language files instead of keeping the focus on target ones. Since adding files is mainly aimed to add bilingual files to an ongoing project, the...
  • Bilingual Excel Files with more than one column

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, SDL Trados has the great feature of translating bilingual excel files. So, you can only translate one-column excel file. But when there are more than one column you need to translate, there is no option to specify those columns. As you can...
  • Terminology Verifier: Check two termbases simultaneously

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, it would be great if you could use the terminology verifier for 2+ termbases at the same time in SDL Trados Studio and not just for the default termbase. Thank you
  • Automated saving after "Verify" (F8) action

    • Under Community Review on
    Since Verify task is performed at later stage of a translation project, it would be really helpful if this Verify (F8) would also trigger an ordinary Save operation (apart from Autosave, I mean) in the background. It would make sense to keep your translated...
  • Save as TMX option in the Alignment

    • Under Community Review on
    Please add "save as TMX" option for Studio alignment to use the aligned document result in both TM directions or make Studio import sdlalign files like TMX respecting the TM's language direction. Use case is simple: The aligned document can be useful...
  • Determine SDLXLIFF files on which version of Studio was used to save the file as latest

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, there is no way to determine the SDLXLIFF files on which version of Studio was used to save the files as latest. It's hard to investigate when has problem with translation files, whether the SDLXLIFF had been translated on the right Studio...
  • Maintain/change Word Track changes in the studio file

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, This is the second suggestion. By design (and by correct design), if we turn track changes on in Studio, where track changes have been imported in via MS Word - whenever any changes are made, it will always default to the user of studio and then...
  • The Option to Add an Idea from Studio Itself

    • Under Community Review on
    Often I have ideas about how software could be better whilst I am actually using it. It would be great to have a link from the software that allowed creation and submission of an idea as you thought about it.
  • Add the language code of a return package to the return package file name by default

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When creating project packages, the project manager has two options: creating one package with all the project languages (one or more) or creating a package for every project language. Regardless of this setting, return packages always feature the project...