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  • File Type -> Parser settings: Need ability to edit multiple rules at once

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    The Rules list in the Parser settings can already be multi-selected. It would be great to be able to Edit multiple elements at once. For example, in the screenshot below, I would have liked to update all the rules currently set to "Always translatable...
  • Use Structure Information Description in document explorer

    • Under Community Review on
    Make it possible to use the description from the Structure Information in the document explorer.
  • change color of progress bars in file view

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, Could you please add an option to change the color of the progress bars in file view (x% completed) It would be nice to be able to define colors for maybe every 10% step. 0-9% = red by default (all default colors can be changed by user) 10...
  • Studio should perform normalization for locked content in XML files

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Right now, when you lock content, because it is tagged as not translatable, Studio does not perform any whitespace normalization, so it will keep the spaces you have in the source file. SDL Support reports that this is because they are trying to preserve...
  • Option to include/exclude repaired/fragment words from analysis

    • Planned for Future Release on
    While the Repair function and the Fragment Matches have their advantages, we don't always need this information in the analysis reports. It would be handy to have an option to include/exclude the repaired/fragment word details in the Analysis Files Setting...
  • Order files by date

    • Under Community Review on
    I'd like to be able to order the files within a project by date. I'm sure there is some logic to the way files are added to the list within a project at the moment, but I can't work out what it is. Ordering by date (either oldest to newest or vice versa...
  • Mark word in source text

    • Under Community Review on
    Problem: When you double click on a word, the word AND the following space are marked and that is fine. But when you double click on the last word in the first row of a multiple row segment only the word is marked without the following space. In this...
  • Automatically connect the GroupShare TM after losing connection

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, if the connection to the GroupShare TM is lost, the TM is disabled. In other words the enabled box for the GroupShare TM or TM's in Project Settings-->Language Pairs-->All Language pairs-->Translation Memory and Automated Translation becomes...
  • Re-Include original files in project packages

    • Under Community Review on
    Wouldn't it be good to allow for an option to include the original files into the project packages again? In our company we send packages to various translation vendors who then distribute them to the individual translators/reviewers. Since the packages...
  • Importing segments not just the whole file

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Those of us who work with long files and tight deadlines, need an option to import segments, in batches,group of segments (e.g. a chapter) or chunks of text. When the deadline is near and the editor starts to work when we are still translating we need...