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  • Proactive issues & solutions notifications to end users

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi all, We only recently became aware of an issue whereby TermBases being included within our Studio Project Packages were not working properly (no automatic term recognition, only term search). We then were made aware that this issue had been reported...
  • Fix - The - Find - and - Replace - Already

    • Under Community Review on
    How, just HOW do you suppose you will be able to keep the present customer base with such pathetically inconvenient find&replace flow, given the onset of the machine translation era and the entailing need to CONSTANTLY find and replace things? Paul, you...
  • Option to include/exclude repaired/fragment words from analysis

    • Planned for Future Release on
    While the Repair function and the Fragment Matches have their advantages, we don't always need this information in the analysis reports. It would be handy to have an option to include/exclude the repaired/fragment word details in the Analysis Files Setting...
  • Automatic switch from "Termbase Search" to "Term Recognition" at move to next segment

    • Under Community Review on
    Many translators would like the Term lookup to work like the TM lookup. If a translator does a Concordance Search in a segment, and then moves to the next segment, if there is a TM match, Studio will automatically switch from the Concordance Search window...
  • Order files by date

    • Under Community Review on
    I'd like to be able to order the files within a project by date. I'm sure there is some logic to the way files are added to the list within a project at the moment, but I can't work out what it is. Ordering by date (either oldest to newest or vice versa...
  • Provide DITA parser that doesn't hide inline tags at the beginning or end of a segment.

    • Under Community Review on
    Studio default DITA parser defines most inline tags, if not all, to be "May Exclude" which causes inline tags at the beginning or end of a segments to be hidden. Provide the DITA parser where all inline tags are defined as "Include with text"
  • Enhancement to the Bilingual Review Export

    • Under Community Review on
    In Trados Studio when using the Bilingual Review Format (Word table export), can an option be added to indicate by means of the color coding, if the linguist changed an exact match in the xliffs. For example, let's assume that CM matches are found in...
  • Permissions for admin to deleting files from cloud projects

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello all community members, I would like to propose the idea of funtionality, that im my case appers to be the only reasonable solution. In my latest cloud project for Trados Studio 2022 (latest build) there was a problem with processing one of the...
  • What about linking Spell-check function to Translation Memories view?

    • Under Community Review on
    I know that the “Editor” view already contains the link to Spell-checking (Hunspell or MS Word) and we suppose that it has been run in “Editor” view, but is it possible to insert the same link in “Translation Memories” view? Sometimes, we are requested...
  • Allow Copying and Renaming Files in Files View/Projects View

    • Under Community Review on
    The Files and Projects View in Trados Studio looks a lot like the explorer window under Windows. However, there is no way (I know of) to copy the file/project name or rename it with Trados Studio. It would be great to have this functionality.