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  • Allow Batch Task API to run on source SDXLIFF file

    • Under Community Review on
    When you try to run the Batch Task API on a source SDLXLIFF file, all the references to Segment objects returns null. It would be great if we could modify the source segments before copying the SDXLIFF file to the target folder.
  • Re-Include original files in project packages

    • Under Community Review on
    Wouldn't it be good to allow for an option to include the original files into the project packages again? In our company we send packages to various translation vendors who then distribute them to the individual translators/reviewers. Since the packages...
  • Remember filters in TM maintenance

    • In Progress on
    It would be great if filters could be reused in the various stages in the TM maintenance. Example: I create a complex filter in the search. Then, I want to use the same filter for export. I cannot save and load it, but have to create it again from scratch...
  • Allow adaptation of font in preview screen

    • Under Community Review on
    In Studio 2017 the font on the preview screen cannot be enlarge more than 100%. For me, and many others who spend their days squinting at computer screens, our eyes are no-longer what they used to be and 100% is just not enough to be able to read, let...
  • set focus to (first) comment for active translation segment

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, It would help a lot if the focus in the comment tab would match the line of the active segment in Editor. e.g. If I click segment 3, the (first) comment applying to segment 3 should be highlighted automatically. Right now, the comment that I...
  • Mark only the matched part of the term

    • Under Community Review on
    To reduce the possibility of term misuse, mark (with the red bracket) only the matched part of the term; in the shown example, "Staubschutz" . In the
  • updating TM from inside the Editor for filtered segments only.

    • Under Community Review on
    Please see the above scenario. That should be indeed a very very useful feature within the Editor itself, and not as part of a batch process on the project level.
  • Highlight matches in TM search

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently, matching TUs are returned without any sort of highlighting. This is a simple as adding a style for the matched words in the query.
  • Add option to immediately search Target when nothing found in Source (and vice versa)

    • Under Community Review on
    When I use the search function, I regularly have to switch between Target and Source and often forget to do so and end up searching in the wrong language. It would be great if, instead of the „game over“ message below, Studio would ask: Search in...
  • Terminology Verifier should search target terms without source terms equivalent

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, I began to use (finally) the Terminology Verifier. In addition to the option "Check for terms without the target term equivalent" it would be useful to add another option: "Check for target terms without the source term equivalent", in order to check...