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  • Create default folder for GroupShare projects

    • Under Community Review on
    When a user opens a GroupShare project that is assigned to her/him, Studio suggests a location for the project files that is the same as the previously opened Studio project. This can lead to confusion, especially if the newly opened GS project is different...
  • Translation speed in words per hour in the progress bar (like in MateCat)

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Hello. This is a very simple feature I've seen in another CAT tool and I found it to be very motivating and generally giving you a better overview of the workload. It also has an estimate of the time needed to complete the task: The speed is of course...
  • Easily Detect Updated Files in Trados Studio for Review

    • New on
    Current Issue: When working on large translation projects with numerous files, it is common to outsource some files for translation and then receive the updated XLIFF files back. After pasting the updated files into the target language folder, Trados...
  • Add a resource manager to Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    One of the most common issues in Studio we hear from our customers is the good old "where are my files?". I really think there should be an optional separate window, which could help users track and manage their TMs, term bases and so on. Possibly even...
  • Redesign external review

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi! External review is often required by some clients. Sadly, the bilingual Word approach is far from being stable and reliable. Three options: 1. Design a new feature from scratch (Excel please !) 2. Add a warning message, something like "Don...
  • Have Trados Studio show where the Language Resource Template is stored

    • Under Community Review on
    When hovering over a TM in the Translation Memories view, the location of the file is shown: However, when hovering over the Language Resources Template, no location is shown: Meaning it is not possible to find out where the previously loaded...
  • "Smart" initial capitalization warnings

    • Under Community Review on
    When verifying a finished translation, I get a lot of unnecessary "Initial capitalization problem detected" warnings - because I often run two source sentences into one target sentence to improve the flow. Would it be possible for the system to only show...
  • Abbreviation list in TM: allow importing file

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi SDL team: This is related with Jerzy Czopik idea . Along with Jerzy...
  • Change the default behavior of inline tags in customized XML file types to be always a word end

    • Under Community Review on
    When adding a tag definition in a customized XML (or other) file type, you can define the behavior of tag. Unfortunately, usually literally NO one is paying attention to that. So when we get projects with customized file types, the inline tags are NOT...
  • Propagate silently

    • Under Community Review on
    When propagating a match the system often halts. Carry out the propagation process silently without obstructing the user's workflow. This is a very similar pet peeve to the autosave which produces a progress bar instead of doing it in the background without...