Idea Delivered

The idea was delivered as part of Tridion Docs 15

The "Reason" field is configurable

In Review Space, Reason field for a text suggestion should NOT be mandatory

While adding a specific text suggestion, a reviewer is currently required to enter a proposed change and a reason. Sometimes the reason is obvious and this field becomes overhead for reviewers. A reason should not be required. Our reviewers have asked questions and logged complaints about having to do this for EVERY suggested change. Can we make this field optional. 

  • Hi Tom, a minor correction on the previous comment from Nigel. The ability to make "Reason field" optional is going to be available in Docs 15 version (next upcoming release). What Nigel is referring to is the "Resolution Text Field" which is optional by default in the Docs 14 SP3 version.

  • Hi Tom, a minor correction on the previous comment from Nigel. The ability to make "Reason field" optional is going to be available in Docs 15 version (next upcoming release). What Nigel is referring to is the "Resolution Text Field" which is optional by default in the Docs 14 SP3 version.

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