Idea Delivered

The idea was delivered as part of Tridion Docs 15

The "Reason" field is configurable

In Review Space, Reason field for a text suggestion should NOT be mandatory

While adding a specific text suggestion, a reviewer is currently required to enter a proposed change and a reason. Sometimes the reason is obvious and this field becomes overhead for reviewers. A reason should not be required. Our reviewers have asked questions and logged complaints about having to do this for EVERY suggested change. Can we make this field optional. 

  • Hi Tom! We agreed with this one and already incorporated the change into the SP3 release! :) Therefore, it is now a configurable setting that allows Reason to either be a required field or an optional field depending on how your organization wishes to setup their process. From the online documentation: "Optional Annotation Resolution Text Field - Resolution Text Field is now optional by default. To make it required add <annotationresolutioncomment required=yes> in the <commonsettings> section of the Collective Spaces Settings file." Link: So, whenever you upgrader to SP3 or later this will be available to you. Thanks!

  • Hi Tom! We agreed with this one and already incorporated the change into the SP3 release! :) Therefore, it is now a configurable setting that allows Reason to either be a required field or an optional field depending on how your organization wishes to setup their process. From the online documentation: "Optional Annotation Resolution Text Field - Resolution Text Field is now optional by default. To make it required add <annotationresolutioncomment required=yes> in the <commonsettings> section of the Collective Spaces Settings file." Link: So, whenever you upgrader to SP3 or later this will be available to you. Thanks!

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