Idea Delivered Partially

Review Space and Draft space - filter on version

Review Space and Draft Space show the comments for the selected publication version only.

If comments have been added to a previous publication version, the authors and reviews cannot see them.

Please add a filter for version in Review Space and Draft Space. The default value can be the current version, but the user should be able to select other/more/all versions to see the comments added for these versions

  • I agree that it would be good to have a filter. Currently to access earlier version of comments, you have to change the version number of the publication listed in Draft Space or Review Space to an earlier publication version. For example, if I want to see comments from version 1 of a publication, I would change the version number for the publication to 1 in the link for Review Space. Then, clear the filter to show all resolved comments. 

  • We have also had this request from our users. We also discussed that an alternative could be to be able to switch easily between the versions with a drop-down in the UI to select the version to view.