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TD15 draft space "Save all changes" function improvement

When using TD15 draft space, one user edited the topic which user not have permission to do it, then draft show the notification "Unable to complete your request, you are not allowed to alter object GUID-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxx".  but this user have authority / permission to edit other topics in this publicaiton. 

At this time, when user click draft space "Save all changes" button in ribbon bar, the page will show "Please wait. Wait while the application administers your locks. The editor closes automatically" and it stopped in this staus and cannot operate it further, if close the page, then all changed content will be lost.  It is not convenience if publication have hunders of topics.

So suggest to improve the function of "Save all changes" in ribbon function area, when click it, this function can skip those topics which user not have permission to edit and save all other topic which allow to edit them.

Tridion Docs notification popup saying 'Please wait. Wait while the application administers your locks. The editor closes automatically.'

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