Not Considering

Auto Expiry of content

SDL needs to provide a way to "auto-expire" content in the CMS system

Example use case for this functionality: pages and content for campaigns that are seasonal and promotional which have a very specific time frame for when it is available for public consumption. In some cases the expiration date includes a very specific time, i.e. promotional rate available until Dec 31st 11:59 pm EST.

It would be great to have the ability to define an expiration date and time so at the end of the campaign, the content can auto-expire without having to go through a heavy process.

  • The functional need is a real one, but isn't this simply part of content management work? For this kind of use case, you could put a metadata field on the relevant items; "expiry date" or whatever. (One common technique is to have broker queries only show content whose expiry date has not passed.) For the rest, a suitable search query should give you a nice list so that you can clean up. (OK - if I had this problem I'd write a script, but really, the UI has plenty.) But like I said, it's a real functional need, and maybe you have other difficulties you could expand on. Perhaps this discussion should also encompass the other end of the problem. Some companies have embargo requirements that dictate that content may only go online /after/ a given moment.

  • We have use cases for this functionality. There is a need for pages and content for campaigns that are seasonal and promotional which have a very specific time frame for when it is available for public consumption. In some cases the expiration date includes a very specific time, i.e. promotional rate available until Dec 31st 11:59 pm EST. It would be great to have the ability to define an expiration date and time so at the end of the campaign, the content can auto-expire without having to go through a heavy process.