This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • Make OR triggers in Experience Optimization Promotions

    • Under Community Review on
    It is not possible to create OR triggers in XO. If you need OR criteria in triggers, you have to create two identical promotions with same content but different triggers. This complexity increases number of promotions and is prone to an error. Suggestion...
  • Customizable color picker

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    For a client, there was a request for customizing the color picker for RTF fields. They wanted other/extra presets to add some often used colors from their Style Guide as buttons. This saves the Content Manager a lot of work and prevents them from choosing...
  • Be able to select next group or user in the finish activity UI for workflow

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    In the Finish Activity Dialogue on workflow, be able to select the next user or group in the UI even if the next activity is not a manual activity. Many of our transitions to next activity is not manual; it is automatic. We need to have the ability...
  • Allow Favourites to be renamed and re-ordered within the CME

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    When I add Favourites in the CME, I get a lot of items called 'Home', which doesn't allow me to see which Publication they're from. It would be great if each user could rename and re-order these. Also, side note, it would be good if SDL Web Ideas was...
  • Allow the PCA to be discoverable through the Discovery Service

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    Right now you can discover Content Service capabilities from the Discovery Service via the path /ContentServiceCapabilities?$top=1 This returns the URI with a <conternt> element: < content type = "application/xml"> < metadata:properties > <...
  • Have the content manager installer support host headers

    • Under Community Review on
    In the Content Manager installation process, there is a point at which you are offered the opportunity to select port numbers and host headers for the content manager explorer and the topology manager. Unfortunately, the installer refuses to progress...
  • Simpler management of complex permissions

    • Planned for Future Release on
    • 1 Comment
    Need to have an easy way for admins to easily assign access control on multiple dimensions (folder, publication, user group)
  • Boolean field type

    • Under Community Review on
    To have boolean flags in a schema you need to use a text field type and add the truthy and falsy values as a list. This also results in having to have custom models for evaluating from a string value to a boolean in content delivery. Can we add a boolean...
  • [Translation Manager] Display which Translation Manager service is picking job requests.

    • Under Community Review on
    Knowing which Translation Manager service is handling the job is a very useful information, especially in outscaled and/or troubleshooting scenarios. Here an example on how and where it should ideally be displayed.
  • Support for SVG file format in Media Manager

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    We would like to be able to use SVG images in Tridion, via Media Manager. Basic support would enable an SVG file to be uploaded to Media Manager as an image (or a file), and then used as the source for an image component in Tridion. Also the ability...